LETOU.COM,乐投(中国):A Decade in Radio Sensing for Activity Recognition: Tools, Limitations and Sensing as a Service beyond 5G
报告人:Stephan Sigg副教授
RF-based activity recognition (the utilization of perturbations in RF signal strength and Frequency due to movement of objects and subjects) has been an active research topic for about a decade now. The field has mostly matured and diverse approaches (e.g. utilizing time-domain, Frequency-domain, phase, or Fresnel effect) as well as useful tools (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW), synthetic aperture radar, Radio holography,... ) have been discussed. Still, the field holds numerous open challenges, such as accurate multi-subject activity and gesture recognition, privacy concerns, tailored data processing tool chains, or sensor mobility. The talk will summarize and bridge from the early results in RF-based activity recognition, over notable achievements and applications to ongoing research direction and open issues.
Stephan Sigg is an Assistant Professor at Aalto University in the Department of communications and Networking. His research interests include the design, analysis and optimisation of algorithms for distributed and ubiquitous systems. Especially, his work covers proactive computing, distributed adaptive beamforming, context-based secure key generation and device-free passive activity recognition.