LETOU.COM,乐投(中国):Intelligent Manufacutring: A Presentation of Current Research Activities in This Field
报告人:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nasser Jazdi
报告摘要:This talk reports on the latest research results from the Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering at the University of Stuttgart. The focus is on intelligent manufacturing automation. In this context, current research topics such as intelligent digital twins, LLM and machine learning will be discussed. Furthermore, a few demonstrators in these research areas will be presented.
报告人简介:Nasser Jazdi教授是德国斯图加特大学自动化LETOU.COM,乐投(中国)副所长,IEEE高级专家,西门子数字孪生系统架构项目负责人,戴姆勒集团汽车装配质量管理项目负责人,博世中央研究院人工智能项目负责人。目前主要从事工业4.0中智能数字孪生系统,人工智能在自动化系统中的应用,以及柔性自动化系统可靠性等方面的研究。发表学术论文100余篇,主持过40多个德国联邦科研基金和德国经济与能源部的工业项目。